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About me

Pau Morales (Girona, 1977)


I always liked to draw and paint. At school "La Mercè" Girona I received a very comprehensive artistic training under the guidance of artists Quim Corominas, Montse Costa and Vicente Huedo t. Later I made the career of Fine Arts in Barcelona.

All this time I have been painting and exhibiting. Jazz iIs the subject that I have worked the most. I've done posters and exhibitions in different festivals: Girona, Figueres, Torroella, Amer, Barcelona, Terrassa, Leon, Ireland and up-and-around Montreal , Quebec.

I have also worked with sculpture, illustration, graffiti, mural painting, animation, video, digital painting, music as a guitarist and singer, and live painting.







1999-Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona
Specialized Imaging (photography, video and animation)



1989/94 - Municipal School of Art "La Mercè" Girona:
1989-1991, Quim Corominas; 1992-1993, Vicenç Huedo; 1994 Montse Costa



1990- Joint exhibition of "pop up" with the Painting school pupils
in "El Museu dels Joguets" in Figueres (Girona)
- Participation in the Market Art Fair, at the Palace Exhibition of Girona
1996- Exhibition at the Cultural Center La Mercè, Girona
1999- Exhibition in "Sala la Planeta", Girona
- Exhibition at the "Capela Sant Antoni" within
X Series Jazz Torroella, Torroella (Girona)
2001 Exhibition at the restaurant - art gallery "La Penyora" Girona
- Exhibition at the Casino Menestral Figuerenc within the cycle Jazz Figueres. (Girona)
2002- Exhibition at the bar "El Cercle"

-Joint exhibition in  "Espai G d'art" Terrassa
within 22º Festival de Jazz de Terrassa (Barcelona)
2003- Exhibition at the "Cafè de Nit" Figueres (Girona)
2003- Scholarship Fita Foundation for young artists Girona with the "Grafitti, la bellesa d'una gamberrada"
2004- Individual exhibition hall Ianua, Barcelona
2004- Exhibition at the Fita foundation "reciclant el graffiti" (Girona)
2005- Collective Exhibition of Young Artists in La Bisbal
2005- Participation in the exhibition "Girona Flower Time" in play "Rose water" (Girona)
2006- Work on display in Rome selected sample "Openart" organized the conference "From Howling" (Italy)
- Participation in the exhibition of contemporary art Breschi (Italy)
- Exhibition hall "La Mirona" within the Black Music Festival
- Collective Exhibition in the room "g Art Space" within the cycle of Terrassa Jazz
- Individual exhibition hall Vivaldi (Barcelona)
2007- Exhibition of drawings at the 15th Voll-Damm Jazz Festival Figueres

2008- Collective exhibition at the Art Museum of Girona

- Solo exhibition of paintings at the Blues & Boogie Cultural Center L'Hospitalet de Collblanc Torrassa
2009- Exhibition at "Gallery Gora" Montreal (Canada)
2009- Exhibition at the Art Gallery Pedreguet Amer
2009- Exhibition at the Pipa Club Barcelona
2010- Exhibition in the Gardens of Mercy (Girona)
Homs Mas-2010 Exhibition in Aiguaviva (Girona)
2012- Collective Exhibition Space in Barcelona Francoli
2014- Exhibition at the "Eskaparate" Barakaldo
2015 Exhibition at the restaurant "Artusi" Girona
2016 Exhibition and performance festival "Inundart" Girona
2017-Exhibition hall "Context" Girona
2017- Exhibition in the gallery "Dual" Girona



1991 First Prize in the X Show Youth Visual Arts in homage to Antoni Clavé
1993- First Prize at the XII Show Youth Visual Arts in honor Guinovart
Access to 1999- Young Painting Competition organized by the bar "El Cercle" Girona
2003- Scholarship Fita Foundation for young artists Girona with the "Grafitti, la bellesa d'una gamberrada"
2005- Acquisition Prize at the second edition of "international painting contest Alicia Alonso" organized by the gallery "Annta Gallery in Madrid
2006- Work selected for the exhibition "Openart" in the lobby of Bramante (Rome)
2009- First prize in painting conucrs fast Tossa
2016 Finalist in the contest of cartels Jazz Festival Tortosa



-Cartell "Fira de Brocanters de Girona"
-Escenografies (for the theater group "proscenium") (Girona)
-Cartell the 10th Cycle of Jazz in Torroella (Girona)
-Il.lustració the book "The Diary of Marc" Lluís Prats, publisher of Dawn Terrassa (Barcelona)
-Cartell Jazz Festival 2003 in Figueres (Girona)
-Completion a mural on the outside wall of the foundation milestone (Girona)
-Cartell Black Music Festival (Girona)
-Cartell the Pomigliano Jazz Festival (Naples)
Such as performance within the Pomigliano Jazz Festival (Naples)
-Il.lustració the book "Treasure Ter" Xavier Margenat.
-Design and construction of muppets and decorated by the animated series "Nil,el petit cavaller)



© Pau Morales - 2017

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